“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
Malachi 3:10



The first time we see this in the Bible is when Abram gives a tenth to
Melchizedek, the priest, in faith and thanksgivings for the blessing of
God on his life. (Gen 14:20)

Malachi tells us that giving to God releases the blessing of heaven in our lives and to those around us (Mal 3:10-12).

In the New Testament Jesus affirms the tithe (Mt 23:23), and Paul teaches extravagant generosity (2 Cor 9:6-15); and in Acts we see the church living out this thankful generous lifestyle.

We believe we start with giving 10% of our income into the general funds of the church which resources the church to be a light in the City with the financial ability to accomplish all that the Holy Spirit is calling us to do… this includes Sunday services, children, youth and students; the media and worship teams (King David hired prophets & musicians to minister before the Lord 24/7, 1 Chr 25:1), Pastoral and support staff (1 Tim 5:18), Our compassion ministries supplying food and provisions to those in need.

From time to time we also take up special offerings maybe for an immediate cause, a building or a missions opportunity… whatever the need we want to be a thankful generous people.

We believe God wants to bless His people in every area of their lives which includes our finances so that they can be generous on every occasion which will result in thanksgiving to God (2 Cor 9:11). During our services we declare the goodness of God in our lives along with his intent to bless us… because we know this is part of the good news of the Gospel.


There are a number of ways that you can give:

  1. Online: Click Here
  2. Standing Order:
    Account name: Chroma Church,
    Account number: 00026780,
    Sort code: 40-52-40
  3. Using the envelopes provided on Sunday Services
  4. Cheque payable to Chroma Church
  5. Card reader at the Giving Stand: Contactless payment available on Sunday with our card reader

The Building Fund

If you would like to give into the Chroma Church Building Fund, you can do this via money transfer or card.

  1. Giving via money transfer:

    Account name: Chroma Church,
    Account number: 00026780,
    Sort code: 40-52-40

  2. If you are giving via money transfer, please email to confirm the amount you wish to give to the building fund.

For larger sums, where possible, money transfer is preferred. If you wish to give via card, click the give button below and select “Chroma Church Building Fund”

Gift Aid

If you pay income or capital gains tax, Chroma is able to reclaim the tax you have paid on your gift. When you sign a Gift Aid Declaration, you declare that you are paying tax on your income or capital and that you want us to reclaim on which you have already paid.

Financial Care in the church

The church is registered with the Charity Commissioners as a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales under No. 6528317, Charity No. 1123681, and is therefore subject to the law of governing charities.

Our trustees have financial and legal oversight of the church. Annual statements relating to the financial activities of Chroma Church are made available to the church and are subject to specific financial policies, which are strictly adhered to.

Thank you for supporting the mission of our Church.


Join us in the great commission of Christ